Posts in Category: Study Days

2012 Spring Study Day (Exhortation): Bearing Fruit

2012 Spring Study Day (Exhortation): Bearing Fruit – Shawn Snobelen

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2012 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Lessons From The Sower – “Being A Spiritual Farmer”

2012 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Lessons From The Sower – “Being A Spiritual Farmer” – Shawn Snobelen

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2012 Spring Study Day Class 1: Lessons From The Sower – “The Wayside, On Stoney Ground”

2012 Spring Study Day Class 1: Lessons From The Sower – “The Wayside, On Stoney Ground” – Shawn Snobelen

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2012 Spring Study Day Class 2: Lessons From The Sower – “Among Thorns”

2012 Spring Study Day Class 2: Lessons From The Sower – “Among Thorns” – Shawn Snobelen

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2012 Spring Study Day Class 3: Lessons From The Sower – “The Good Ground”

2012 Spring Study Day Class 3: Lessons From The Sower – “The Good Ground” – Shawn Snobelen

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2011 November Study Day (Exhortation): Turning Points

2011 November Study Day (Exhortation): Turning Points

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2011 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Turning Points – “Korah, Dathan And Abiram”

2011 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Turning Points – “Korah, Dathan And Abiram” – David Lawrence

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2011 Fall Study Day Class 1: Turning Points – “The Flood”

2011 Fall Study Day Class 1: Turning Points – “The Flood” – David Lawrence

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2011 Fall Study Day Class 2: Turning Points – “Nadab And Abihu”

2011 Fall Study Day Class 2: Turning Points – “Nadab And Abihu” – David Lawrence

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2011 Fall Study Day Class 3: Turning Points – “The Spies”

2011 Fall Study Day Class 3: Turning Points – “The Spies” – David Lawrence

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2011 March Study Day (Exhortation) – John Helliwell

2011 March Study Day (Exhortation) – John Helliwell

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2011 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Sovereign – “And Now I Am Old”

2011 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Sovereign – “And Now I Am Old” – John Helliwell

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2011 Spring Study Day Class 1: David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Shepherd – “The Son Of Jesse”

2011 Spring Study Day Class 1: David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Shepherd – “The Son Of Jesse” – John Helliwell

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2011 Spring Study Day Class 2: David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Soldier – “In Dens And Caves Of The Earth”

2011 Spring Study Day Class 2: David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Soldier – “In Dens And Caves Of The Earth” – John Helliwell

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2011 Spring Study Day Class 3: David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Sinner – “Thou Art The Man!”

2011 Spring Study Day Class 3: David: Shepherd, Soldier, Sinner, Sovereign – Sinner – “Thou Art The Man!” – John Helliwell

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2010 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “Father, The Hour Is Come”

2010 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “Father, The Hour Is Come” – Martin Webster

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2010 Fall Study Day (Exhortation): “Except Ye Eat The Flesh Of The Son Of Man”

2010 Fall Study Day (Exhortation): “Except Ye Eat The Flesh Of The Son Of Man” – Martin Webster

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2010 Fall Study Day Class 1: Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “Marvel Not That I Said Unto Thee”

2010 Fall Study Day Class 1: Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “Marvel Not That I Said Unto Thee” – Martin Webster

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2010 Fall Study Day Class 2: Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “I Am The Door Of The Sheep”

2010 Fall Study Day Class 2: Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “I Am The Door Of The Sheep” – Martin Webster

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2010 Fall Study Day Class 3: Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “Jesus Knew That His Hour Was Come”

2010 Fall Study Day Class 3: Discourses In The Gospel Of John – “Jesus Knew That His Hour Was Come” – Martin Webster

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2010 June Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Who is a wise and faithful servant?

2010 June Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Who is a wise and faithful servant? – Steven Hornhardt

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2010 June Study Day Class 5 (Exhortation): Prayer: Lord teach us to pray

2010 June Study Day Class 5 (Exhortation): Prayer: Lord teach us to pray – Steven Hornhardt

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2010 June Study Day Class 6: Israel (Public Talk): Positive Proof that God Exists

2010 June Study Day Class 6: Israel (Public Talk): Positive Proof that God Exists – Steven Hornhardt

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2010 June Study Day Class 1: Temptation: He was tempted in all points…

2010 June Study Day Class 1: Temptation: He was tempted in all points… – Steven Hornhardt

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2010 June Study Day Class 2: Trust: Fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men

2010 June Study Day Class 2: Trust: Fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men – Steven Hornhardt

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2010 June Study Day Class 3: Faith: Have faith in God

2010 June Study Day Class 3: Faith: Have faith in God – Steven Hornhardt

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2010 Spring Study Day (Family Evening): “Go Into All The World”

2010 Spring Study Day (Family Evening): “Go Into All The World” – Andrew Walker

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2010 March Study Day (Exhortation): The Way To The Holiest – Known By Their Names

2010 March Study Day (Exhortation): The Way To The Holiest – Known By Their Names- Andrew Walker

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2010 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): The Way To The Holiest – “Called Of God A High Priest”

2010 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): The Way To The Holiest – “Called Of God A High Priest” – Andrew Walker

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2010 Spring Study Day Class 1: The Way To The Holiest – “God Has Spoken To Us Through His Son”

2010 Spring Study Day Class 1: The Way To The Holiest – “God Has Spoken To Us Through His Son” – Andrew Walker

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2010 Spring Study Day Class 2: The Way To The Holiest – “Made Perfect Through Suffering”

2010 Spring Study Day Class 2: The Way To The Holiest – “Made Perfect Through Suffering” – Andrew Walker

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2010 Spring Study Day Class 3: The Way To The Holiest – “I Will Declare Thy Name Unto My Brethren”

2010 Spring Study Day Class 3: The Way To The Holiest – “I Will Declare Thy Name Unto My Brethren” – Andrew Walker

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2009 November Study Day (Exhortation) – Andrew Jackson

2009 November Study Day (Exhortation) – Andrew Jackson

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2009 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Peter, A Brother Transformed – “From Satan To Saint”

2009 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Peter, A Brother Transformed – “From Satan To Saint” – Andrew Jackson

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2009 Fall Study Day Class 1: Peter, A Brother Transformed – “Character And Life”

2009 Fall Study Day Class 1: Peter, A Brother Transformed – “Character And Life” – Andrew Jackson

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2009 Fall Study Day Class 2: Peter, A Brother Transformed – Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven

2009 Fall Study Day Class 2: Peter, A Brother Transformed – Keys Of The Kingdom Of Heaven – Andrew Jackson

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2009 Fall Study Day Class 3: Peter, A Brother Transformed – “Could You Not Watch With Me One Hour?”

2009 Fall Study Day Class 3: Peter, A Brother Transformed – “Could You Not Watch With Me One Hour?” – Andrew Jackson

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2009 June Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: Preparing for Christ’s Return

2009 June Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: Preparing for Christ’s Return – Anthony Ousthuizen

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2009 June Study Day (Exhortation)

2009 June Study Day (Exhortation)- Anthony Ousthuizen

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2009 June Study Day (Public Talk): Life in the Kingdom of God

2009 June Study Day (Public Talk): Life in the Kingdom of God- Anthony Ousthuizen

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2009 June Study Day Class 1: Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: Gideon – Broken Vessels

2009 June Study Day Class 1: Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: Gideon – Broken Vessels – Anthony Ousthuizen

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2009 June Study Day Class 2: Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: John the Baptist – A man sent from God

2009 June Study Day Class 2: Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: John the Baptist – A man sent from God – Anthony Ousthuizen

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2009 June Study Day Class 3: Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: Dorca and Lydia

2009 June Study Day Class 3: Faithful Hearts and Faithful Lives: Dorca and Lydia – Anthony Ousthuizen

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2009 May Study Day (Sunday School) The excitement and importance of careful Bible reading

2009 May Study Day (Sunday School) The excitement and importance of careful Bible reading – Michael Ashton

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2009 May Study Day “Continue in the things…”

2009 May Study Day “Continue in the things…” – Michael Ashton

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2009 Spring Class 4 (Sunday School)

2009 Spring Class 4 (Sunday School) – Bill Link

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2009 Spring Class 4 (Exhortation)

2009 Spring Class 4 (Exhortation) – Bill Link

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2009 Spring (Public Talk): Change We Can Really Believe In

2009 Spring (Public Talk): Change We Can Really Believe In – Bill Link

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2009 Spring Class 1: Ornaments of Grace

2009 Spring Class 1: Ornaments of Grace – Bill Link

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2009 Spring Class 2: Healthy Navels and Bulging Vats!

2009 Spring Class 2: Healthy Navels and Bulging Vats! – Bill Link

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2009 Spring Class 3: What can you learn from a dog?

2009 Spring Class 3: What can you learn from a dog? – Bill Link

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2008 November Study Day (Public Talk): The God of the Bible is no Delusion

2008 November Study Day (Public Talk): The God of the Bible is no Delusion – John Mannell

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2008 November Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): The Parable of the Sower – Old Testament Basics of the Parables

2008 November Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): The Parable of the Sower – Old Testament Basics of the Parables – John Mannell

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2008 November Study Day (Exhortation)

2008 November Study Day (Exhortation) – John Mannell

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2008 November Study Day Class 1: The Parable of the Sower – Why Parables?

2008 November Study Day Class 1: The Parable of the Sower – Why Parables? – John Mannell

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2008 November Study Day Class 2: The Parable of the Sower – Rocks and Roads

2008 November Study Day Class 2: The Parable of the Sower – Rocks and Roads – John Mannell

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2008 November Study Day Class 3: The Parable of the Sower – Prickles and Produce

2008 November Study Day Class 3: The Parable of the Sower – Prickles and Produce – John Mannell

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2008 March Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): With Christ in Mind – Risen with Christ

2008 March Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): With Christ in Mind – Risen with Christ – Mike LeDuke

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2008 March Study Day (Exhortation)

2008 March Study Day (Exhortation) – Mike LeDuke

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2008 March Study Day Class 1: With Christ in Mind – The Truth in Asia Minor

2008 March Study Day Class 1: With Christ in Mind – The Truth in Asia Minor – Mike LeDuke

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2008 March Study Day Class 2: With Christ in Mind – The Image of the Invisible God

2008 March Study Day Class 2: With Christ in Mind – The Image of the Invisible God – Mike LeDuke

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2008 March Study Day Class 3: With Christ in Mind – Knowledge of the Mystery

2008 March Study Day Class 3: With Christ in Mind – Knowledge of the Mystery – Mike LeDuke

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2007 November Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School)

2007 November Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School) – Christian Russell

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2007 November Study Day (Exhortation)

2007 November Study Day (Exhortation) – Christian Russell

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2007 November Study Day Class 1: The Garden of the Lord – The Gardener

2007 November Study Day Class 1: The Garden of the Lord – The Gardener – Christian Russell

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2007 November Study Day Class 2: The Garden of the Lord – His Plot

2007 November Study Day Class 2: The Garden of the Lord – His Plot – Christian Russell

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2007 November Study Day Class 3: The Garden of the Lord – I See Men as Trees

2007 November Study Day Class 3: The Garden of the Lord – I See Men as Trees – Christian Russell

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2007 April Study Day Class 1 – That they may know the certainty of these things

2007 April Study Day Class 1 – That they may know the certainty of these things – Steven Hornhardt

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2007 April Study Day Class 2 – Fear not Mary for Thou hast found favor with God

2007 April Study Day Class 2 – Fear not Mary for Thou hast found favor with God Steven Hornhardt

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2007 April Study Day Class 3 – Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, Christ the Lord

2007 April Study Day Class 3 – Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, Christ the Lord – Steven Hornhardt

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2007 Spring Lecture – Signs of the Last Days

2007 Spring Lecture – Signs of the Last Days – John Pople

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2007 Spring Class 5 – Exhortation – The Blood is the Life

2007 Spring Class 5 – Exhortation – The Blood is the Life – John Pople

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2007 Spring Lecture – Signs of the Last Days – John Pople

2007 Spring Lecture – Signs of the Last Days – John Pople

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2007 Spring Class 2 – Trial of Faith – Road to Atonement

2007 Spring Class 2 – Trial of Faith – Road to Atonement – John Pople

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2007 Spring Class 3 – The Pierced Slave – Road to Atonement

2007 Spring Class 3 – The Pierced Slave – Road to Atonement – John Pople

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2007 Spring Class 4 – Atonement – Road to Atonement

2007 Spring Class 4 – Atonement – Road to Atonement – John Pople

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2007 Spring Class 1 – Death in the Garden – Road to Atonement

2007 Spring Class 1 – Death in the Garden – Road to Atonement – John Pople

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2005 Fall Class 4 (Sunday School): Visions of the Kingdom

2005 Fall Class 4 (Sunday School): Visions of the Kingdom – Dennis Paggi

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2005 Fall (Exhortation): My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me

2005 Fall (Exhortation): My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me – Dennis Paggi

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2005 Fall Class 1: Verses for the King

2005 Fall Class 1: Verses for the King – Dennis Paggi

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2005 Fall Class 2: Exalted to Priesthood

2005 Fall Class 2: Exalted to Priesthood – Dennis Paggi

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2005 Fall Class 3: Trust in Deliverance

2005 Fall Class 3: Trust in Deliverance – Dennis Paggi

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2004 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): That I May Know Him – “Our Great High Priest Has Come”

2004 Fall Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): That I May Know Him – “Our Great High Priest Has Come” – Ted Sleeper

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2004 Fall Study Day Class 5 (Exhortation): That I May Know Him – “Our Saviour’s Work And Ours”

2004 Fall Study Day Class 5 (Exhortation): That I May Know Him – “Our Saviour’s Work And Ours” – Ted Sleeper

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2004 Fall Study Day Class 1: That I May Know Him – “This Is Eternal Life”

2004 Fall Study Day Class 1: That I May Know Him – “This Is Eternal Life” – Ted Sleeper

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2004 Fall Study Day Class 2: That I May Know Him – “Walking With God”

2004 Fall Study Day Class 2: That I May Know Him – “Walking With God” – Ted Sleeper

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2004 Fall Study Day Class 3: That I May Know Him – “Confronting The Cross”

2004 Fall Study Day Class 3: That I May Know Him – “Confronting The Cross” – Ted Sleeper

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2004 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “Sequencing Bible Prophecies”

2004 Spring Study Day Class 4 (Sunday School): Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “Sequencing Bible Prophecies” – Peter Robinson

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2004 Spring Study Day Class 1: Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “Palmer-Worm, Locust, Canker-Worm and Caterpillar

2004 Spring Study Day Class 1: Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “Palmer-Worm, Locust, Canker-Worm and Caterpillar – Peter Robinson

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2004 Spring Study Day Class 2: Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “A Mortal or Immortal Army?”

2004 Spring Study Day Class 2: Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “A Mortal or Immortal Army?” – Peter Robinson

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2004 Spring Study Day Class 3: Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “The Glory at Last”

2004 Spring Study Day Class 3: Joel: Prophet of Gloom and Glory – “The Glory at Last” – Peter Robinson

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2003 Spring Study Day Class 3: Malachi – “I Have Loved You Sayeth The Lord” – “Judah Has Profaned The Holiness Of The Lord”

2003 Spring Study Day Class 3: Malachi – “I Have Loved You Sayeth The Lord” – “Judah Has Profaned The Holiness Of The Lord” – Dev Ramcharan

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2003 Spring Study Day Class 2: Malachi – “I Have Loved You Sayeth The Lord” – “Priests That Despise My Name”

2003 Spring Study Day Class 2: Malachi – “I Have Loved You Sayeth The Lord” – “Priests That Despise My Name” – Dev Ramsharan

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2003 Spring Study Day Class 1: Malachi – “I Have Loved You Sayeth The Lord” – The Days Of Malachi

2003 Spring Study Day Class 1: Malachi – “I Have Loved You Sayeth The Lord” – The Days Of Malachi – Dev Ramcharan

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2001 Idyllwild Class 1: The Fulfillment of the Law – The Enigma of the Law

2001 Idyllwild Class 1: The Fulfillment of the Law – The Enigma of the Law – Gordon Dangerfield

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2001 Idyllwild Class 2: The Fulfillment of the Law – A Middle Wall of Partition

2001 Idyllwild Class 2: The Fulfillment of the Law – A Middle Wall of Partition – Gordon Dangerfield

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2001 Idyllwild Class 3: The Fulfillment of the Law – The Law Itself Says…

2001 Idyllwild Class 3: The Fulfillment of the Law – The Law Itself Says… – Gordon Dangerfield

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2001 Idyllwild Class 4: The Fulfillment of the Law – Futility and Faith

2001 Idyllwild Class 4: The Fulfillment of the Law – Futility and Faith – Gordon Dangerfield

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2001 Idyllwild Class 5: The Fulfillment of the Law – Perfect Son, Perfect Priest

2001 Idyllwild Class 5: The Fulfillment of the Law – Perfect Son, Perfect Priest – Gordon Dangerfield

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2001 Idyllwild Class 6: The Fulfillment of the Law – Entering Through the Veil

2001 Idyllwild Class 6: The Fulfillment of the Law – Entering Through the Veil – Gordon Dangerfield

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